Saturday, June 23, 2012

Zombie March Chicago 2012 - Post 6 - Zombie Crashers - June 16, 2012

So this post is called "Zombie Crashers".  Weirdly enough I don't mean "a nice normal event crashed by a few zombies".  Instead I mean "a zombie event crashed by a few normal people"!

You might remember last year that there was the wedding (Quinceanera?) that did "Thriller" for the Zombies.

Unfortunately for us, this year there wasn't anything quite that interesting.  On the flip side... there were a lot of people coordinating things in groups at The Bean while the Zombies congregated.

 This was apparently an actual, regular, Flash Mob.  A group called "Move It" came up to The Bean and did a dance to "Move It" from Madagascar.  They didn't seem to have been overly prepared or rehearsed, since everyone seemed to be following the two girls on the right in sunglasses and not really moving as a choreographed group.  It apparently had something to do with getting up off the couch and exercising, but honestly, they never really did explain who they were or what their point was.  It's possible that the amassing of 2000 zombies had them slightly stunned.

 Then there was this guy as we came up Michigan Avenue.  Now, I'm all for public protest and the First Amendment and all that, but I tend to think it works better when you know you're reaching the people who are making the decision you're objecting to.  So I have no idea how this is going to get him visitation with his kid.

The other pretty annoying thing?  He was standing in the middle of the sidewalk as we crossed Michigan and he refused to move.  So we've got this mass of humanity trying to beat the light so we can stay together and we had to bob and weave around this guy.
 Do Quinceaneras have 'bridesmaids'?  I saw several groups with a girl in what was very much (to me) either a Disney Princess dress or an 80's-ish Prom Dress, who had several similarly-dressed attendants.  And they had what looked like a groom's party too.  Guys in similar tuxes.  Very weird to me.

<----- And then there was this.  I'm assuming some kind of wardrobe malfunction, but I can't imagine what it is that needed to be fixed right there in the middle of the plaza, like that.  It looks... a tad odd.

There was a regular wedding.  I didn't get any regular shots - there were too many tall people in front of me.  But I could see them all in The Bean.  See all the girls in black dresses with big yellow bouquets of flowers?  Yeah... wedding group.  You can see the bride in the middle of the line, slightly forward.

So... yeah.  A lot of interesting events crashing the zombie crashing. ;)

Almost done!  Which is good, because tomorrow is the Chicago Gay Pride parade.  I'm sure I'll have few thousand photos to share after that! :)

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