Saturday, April 14, 2012

2012 Comprehensive List

New Shooting Locations:
  1. Bledsoe Creek State Park (Tennessee)
  2. Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve (DuPage County, IL)

 New Species:


Birds (11/5)
  1. Blue Jay
  2. Hairy Woodpecker
  3. Muscovy Duck
  4. House Finch
  5. Brown Creeper 
  6. Yellow-Shafted Northern Flicker
  7. Northern Cardinal
  8. Song Sparrow
  9. White-Breasted Nuthatch 
  10. Blue-Winged Teal 
  11. American Robin 
  12. Red-Breasted Woodpecker

Insects and Arachnids (5/2)
       Butterflies and Moths
  1. Eastern Tailed Blue
  2. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (female)
  3. Pipevine Swallowtail 
  4. Cabbage White 
        Other (2/2)
  1. Mosquito
  2. Tiger Beetle

Invertebrates (other than insects and arachnids) (1/1)

Mammals (3/1)
  1. White-Tailed Deer
  2. Eastern Cottontail Rabbit 
  3. Eastern Gray Squirrel
Reptiles (1/1)
Common Snapping Turtles

Unknown (1/1)
unknown silkworm caterpillar

Plants (10/6)
  1. Columbine
  2. Crossvine
  3. Rhododendron
  4. Sweet Betsy
  5. Honeysuckle
  6. Common Blue Violet
  7. Saint Anthony's Turnip (buttercup)
  8. Virginia Bluebells 
  9. Prairie Trillium
  10. Creeping Buttercup
Update: 4.14.12 -  9/6 (9 species total, 6 are new)
Update: 4.16.12 - 13/10 
Update: 4. 21.12 - 24/11
Update: 4.28.12 - 34/18

(Listings in purple are new species for this year.)

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