Saturday, April 14, 2012

2011 Comprehensive List


  1. American Black Duck
  2. American Coot
  3. American Redstart
  4. Baltimore Oriole
  5. Barn Swallow
  6. Black-Crowned Night Heron
  7. Brown Creeper
  8. Canada Goose
  9. Cardinal
  10. Chipping Sparrow
  11. Common Yellow-throat Warbler
  12. Crow
  13. Eastern Kingbird
  14. Eastern Towhee
  15. Gray Catbird
  16. Graylag Goose
  17. Hairy Woodpecker
  18. Hermit Thrush
  19. Indigo Bunting
  20. Lincoln's Sparrow
  21. Magnolia Warbler
  22. Manky Mallard
         - Duclair Duck
  23. Ovenbird
  24. Pekin/Domesticated Duck
  25. Pied-Billed Grebe
  26. Peregrine Falcon
  27. Redheaded Woodpecker
  28. Red-Tailed Hawk
  29. Rose-breasted Grosbeak 
  30. Tree Swallow
  31. Virginia Rail
  32. White Crowned Sparrow
  33. Yellow-Rumped Warbler
  34. Yellow Warbler


        Butterflies and Moths
  1. Cabbage White Butterfly
  2. Eastern Comma Butterfly
  3. Fiery Skipper
  4. Sulphur Butterfly
 Eastern Forktail Damselfly

  1. Calico Pennant Dragonfly
  2. Carolina Saddlebags Dragonfly
  3. Common Green Darner Dragonfly
  4. Common Whitetail Dragonfly
  5. Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly
  6. Jade Clubtail Dragonfly
  7. Twelve Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly
  1. Honeybee
  2. Megachilid bee
  3. Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle
  1. Chipmunk
  2. Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
  3. Gray Squirrel

  1. Painted Turtle
  2. Red-Earred Slider Turtles

  1. Ant-looking Spider
  2. Little Tiny Toads
  3. Tiny Grasshopper
  4. Unknown wasp
  5. Unknown wren
  6. Unknown Yellow and black spotted beetle

Total Species Blogged: 61
(including 6 unknown)

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